PDF⋙ The Prophetic Destiny of Israel and the Islamic Nations by Dr. Bill Shade

The Prophetic Destiny of Israel and the Islamic Nations by Dr. Bill Shade

The Prophetic Destiny of Israel and the Islamic Nations

The Prophetic Destiny of Israel and the Islamic Nations by Dr. Bill Shade PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In 1948 Israel became a nation once again – but radical Islam is a growing international threat and Israel remains in stubborn resistance to the Gospel of her Messiah. More and more Israel finds herself standing alone against overwhelming foes determined to liquidate her forever. Is there really any hope? Is it possible that Israel can survive the storm that is about to engulf her? Will Israel ever change her collective mind, repent, and bow her knee to Jesus Christ as her Messiah and Savior? While both the Old and the New Testament predict that such a spiritual transformation will happen, the question remains, “How will it happen – and when?” The Bible predicts that there is one event that will change everything and it is just around the corner. The Prophetic Destiny of Israel & The Islamic Nations uncovers that one great future event that will change everything we thought we knew about Israel, Islam and the Middle East.

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