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Blood And Lust by Zack

Blood And Lust

Blood And Lust by Zack PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Clint is a loner with an independent streak a mile wide. He's just your average happy-go-lucky London rent-boy with few cares on his mind, until he unwisely robs a customer. Clint soon discovers that paying society its due for his petty theft carries a lethal price. He's now become part of a giant shadowy corporation that runs arenas all over the world. Its prisoners are trained to fight to the death under the cold gaze of cameras and for the pleasure of an elite who pay to watch their favorite blood sport. Clint is soon fighting for his life, but he also discovers that love is his only redemption. About the Authors: Zack was born in 1948 in Switzerland; since 1973 he lives in the UK. He is a self-educated illustrator and started to design explicit gay comic strips in the early seventies, inspired by his very own erotic fantasies. Zack designed numberless comic strips for British magazines like HIM, Vulcan and Teenage Dreams. British-born co-author Roger Kean has had careers as a movie cameraman, film editor, journalist, magazine and book editor, and has written millions of words about many subjects, including gay fiction.

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