PDF⋙ Gypsy Jazz: Ukulele Play-Along Volume 39 (Hal Leonard Ukulele Play-Along)
Gypsy Jazz: Ukulele Play-Along Volume 39 (Hal Leonard Ukulele Play-Along)
Gypsy Jazz: Ukulele Play-Along Volume 39 (Hal Leonard Ukulele Play-Along) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
(Ukulele Play-Along). The Ukulele Play-Along series will help you play your favorite songs quickly and easily, with incredible backing tracks to help you sound like a bona fide pro! Just follow the written music, stream or download the online audio to hear how the ukulele should sound, and then play along with the separate backing tracks. The melody and lyrics are included in the book in case you want to sing, or to simply help you follow along. The audio is enhanced so Mac & PC users can adjust the recording to any tempo without changing the pitch! This volume includes 8 Gyspy jazz tunes: Coquette * Dark Eyes * Douce Ambiance * J'Attendrai * La Vie En Rose (Take Me to Your Heart Again) * Minor Swing * Nuages * Sweet Georgia Brown.From reader reviews:
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