PDF⋙ Cutaneous Adnexal Tumors by Dmitry V. Kazakov, Phillip McKee, Michal Michal, Denise Kacerovska
Cutaneous Adnexal Tumors by Dmitry V. Kazakov, Phillip McKee, Michal Michal, Denise Kacerovska
Cutaneous Adnexal Tumors by Dmitry V. Kazakov, Phillip McKee, Michal Michal, Denise Kacerovska PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Adnexal tumors of the skin are complex, with confusing nomenclature. Many lesions show marked variation in histological appearance and there is considerable morphological overlap between different entities. These tumors are relatively rare, compared for example with melanocytic lesions, but still are part of everyday routine work for all histopathologists. Therefore, many general pathologists (the majority of whom are obliged to report dermatopathology specimens) are unfamiliar with the topic and even the experts have difficulties with the more challenging cases. Although the majority of adnexal tumors represent benign lesions, malignant counterparts do occur and these often represent a diagnostic pitfall. There are many inherited syndromes in which cutaneous adnexal tumors are a feature, and failure to recognize these associations may have serious implications. This book is comprehensive and includes all recognized variants covering the broad spectrum of adnexal tumor pathology. Included are chapters dealing with site-specific lesions such as the eyelid, neck, navel, anogenital areas, etc. The format is extremely user-friendly, comprising succinct text and comprehensive microscopic illustrations. The scope is such that any variation on the theme of adnexal tumor pathology is readily available at a glance. The text is structured as follows: clinical features, histology, immunohistochemistry, genetic features, and differential diagnosis.From reader reviews:
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