PDF⋙ Florida Plants and Animals (State Studies: Florida) by Bob Knotts
Florida Plants and Animals (State Studies: Florida) by Bob Knotts
Florida Plants and Animals (State Studies: Florida) by Bob Knotts PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
What kinds of life is found in the Everglades? What animals live near coral reefs? How have human beings changed the land in Florida? You can find the answers to these questions in this book, which contains all kinds of fun and fascinating facts about the plants and animals of Florida and the habitats in which they live. Inside, you will find information about where and how Florida plants and animals live. You will learn how these living things fit into an ecosystem. And, you'll find out what actions are being taken to protect Florida's natural environment. Inside you'll find: maps that help you find your way around Florida, photographs that let you see what you are reading about, a glossary, index, and list of more books to read to help you find what you're looking for and better understand it.From reader reviews:
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