PDF⋙ Clinical Decision Support Systems: Theory and Practice (Health Informatics)
Clinical Decision Support Systems: Theory and Practice (Health Informatics)
Clinical Decision Support Systems: Theory and Practice (Health Informatics) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This book is designed to be 1) a resource book on diagnostic systems for informatics specialists; 2) a textbook for teachers or students in health or medical informatics training programs; and 3) a comprehensive introduction for clinicians, with or without expertise in the applications of computers in medicine, who are interested in learning about current developments in computer-based diagnostic systems. In recent years, it has become obvious that other health professionals, in addition to physicians, have needs for decision support and that the issues raised in this book apply to a broad range of clinicians. The book includes chapters by nationally and internationally recognized experts on the design, evaluation and application of these systems who examine the impact of practitioner and patient use of computer-based diagnostic tools.From reader reviews:
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