PDF⋙ Pharmacokinetics in Drug Development: Clinical Study Design and Analysis (Volume 1) (v. 1)

Pharmacokinetics in Drug Development: Clinical Study Design and Analysis (Volume 1) (v. 1)

Pharmacokinetics in Drug Development: Clinical Study Design and Analysis (Volume 1) (v. 1)

Pharmacokinetics in Drug Development: Clinical Study Design and Analysis (Volume 1) (v. 1) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

These volumes are designed to be the most complete guide to pharmacokinetics (PK) and its role in drug development. They fill a gap between the academic science and the practical application of that knowledge in drug development. Volume 1 discusses the role that PK plays in selected clinical study designs. Volume 2 details the key regulatory and development paradigms in which PK supplements decision-making during drug development.

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