PDF⋙ My Life As a Baby: A Five Year Record by Rachael Hale

My Life As a Baby: A Five Year Record by Rachael Hale

My Life As a Baby: A Five Year Record

My Life As a Baby: A Five Year Record by Rachael Hale PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

My Life As a Baby: A Five-Year Record is a treasure for any mom or mom-to-be.

Rachael Hale, the renowned photographer, turns the camera from companion animals to babies, and her subjects are amazing and beautiful.

From firsts to fearless at five, My Life As a Baby: A Five-Year Record encourages new moms to record all those precious moments in baby's young and amazing life with words, collected pieces, sentiments, stories, and their own personal photos.

Happy, unexpected, and "ahhh, look at that" images bring this journal to life. The babies in all their babyness giggle, nap, snooze, and surprise in full-color joy.

If a book has the power to physically make someone squeal with delight, it's this one. A must-have for any expectant or new mom.

* This could be the perfect shower or new-baby gift. My Life As a Baby: A Five-Year Record is so pretty, gift givers might not even need gift wrap.

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