PDF⋙ Adventures in Global Consulting by Alan A. Waldman

Adventures in Global Consulting by Alan A. Waldman

Adventures in Global Consulting

Adventures in Global Consulting by Alan A. Waldman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This is a humorous and insightful look at some of the challenges faced by an international consultant.   Stories about constructing a controlled factory in China, explaining quality control to the French, out-arguing the Germans, training kibbutzniks in Israel, avoiding losing face in Japan, activating the Swedes, and understanding the FDA in the United States are just a few of the amusing and instructive anecdotes presented in Adventures in Global Consulting. Selected by Dr. Waldman from his 25 years of experience, the anecdotes and related learnings and lessons provide, country by country, an entertaining and useful guide to cultural differences in work and life among the many countries in which he has consulted.   This companion to Discovered Global Wisdom supplies unique insights into how people and management in each country attempt to balance the expectations of their society and the needs of the global markets, and will be of value to anyone interested in how others around the world live and compete.   Dr. Waldman makes use of his extensive experience to bring you this book about life and work around the world. He heads Waldman Biomedical Consultancy, a company he founded that has served the heath care industry worldwide for over 20 years. Prior to this, he was the Technical Director of the New York Blood Center, the largest in the world, where he led significant work on AIDS and interferon, and advised companies on new product development.

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