PDF⋙ C.P.R: Choice Processing and Resolution by Trudy M. Johnson

C.P.R: Choice Processing and Resolution by Trudy M. Johnson

C.P.R: Choice Processing and Resolution

C.P.R: Choice Processing and Resolution by Trudy M. Johnson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Overwhelming sadness after a voluntary pregnancy termination is sometimes unexpected and surprising. Understanding that these overwhelming emotions can be a normal part of the choice process is helpful. This book is the first self-help plan available for walking through grief after abortion without fear of judgment. You can use the information and tools provided to process and resolve grief after a voluntary pregnancy termination in the privacy of your own home. Created by a professional therapist, CPR ~ Choice Processing and Resolution, is used individually and also as a workbook for licensed therapists to help their clients process and resolve their grief after abortion.

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