PDF⋙ The Michael Moorcock Library - Elric Vol 3: The Dreaming City by Roy Thomas

The Michael Moorcock Library - Elric Vol 3: The Dreaming City by Roy Thomas

The Michael Moorcock Library - Elric Vol 3: The Dreaming City

The Michael Moorcock Library - Elric Vol 3: The Dreaming City by Roy Thomas PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Collecting the third volume of the classic 1980's comic adaptation of the Elric of Melniboné novels by Michael Moorcock!

Adapted from Moorcock's eponymous first story featuring Elric of Melnibone and originally published by Marvel Comics, this world-spanning fantasy epic chronicles Elric's return to the Dreaming City of Imrryr, and his battle to reclaim his throne and lost love Cymoril.

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