PDF⋙ Advances in Immunology, Volume 61
Advances in Immunology, Volume 61
Advances in Immunology, Volume 61 PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
"The series which all immunologists need."--The Pharmaceutical Journal
"Advances in Immunology must find itself among the most active volumes in the libraries of our universities and institutions."
"Deserves a permanent place in biomedical libraries as an aid in research and in teaching"
--Journal of Immunological Methods
"A provocative and scholarly review of research"
--Journal of the American Medical Association
"Provides an extremely valuable source of reference and many stimulating ideas...the main repository of information in a rapidly devloping subject"
--The Lancet
"Provides unrivalled value in both academic and fiscal terms and should be purchased by hard pressed librarians as a major priority to be jealously defended."
--Journal of Medical Microbiology
"A very valuable serial publication...no serious student of immunology can afford to be without it."
--Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Key Features
* Focus on components of the V(D)J recombination machinery that might be related to diseases in humans and animals
* Control of the complement system by control of C3/C5 convertase on host cells, control of fluid phase C3/C5 convertases, control of fluid phase MAC, and control of deposited MAC
* Immunodeficiency resulting from a complete absence of MHC class II expression and two trans-acting factors controlling transcription
* Current knowledge of IL-2R signaling, highlighting IL-2 signaling, and T-cell growth regulation
* Functional role of CD40 in cells, the in vivo significance of CD40-CD40-L interactions, and the signal transduction machinery activated following crosslinking of the CD40 antigen
* Integrative approach to better understand the observed heterogeneity of an individual response to allergens
* Regulation of isotype specificity, switch recombination regulation, and the mechanism of switching
* Two lymphocyte-specific proteins, RAG1 and RAG2, initiate V(D)J recombination of antigen receptor genes
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