PDF⋙ Programming Windows 95 with MFC: Create Programs for Windows Quickly with the Microsoft Foundation Class Library (Microsoft Programming Series) by Jeff Prosise

Programming Windows 95 with MFC: Create Programs for Windows Quickly with the Microsoft Foundation Class Library (Microsoft Programming Series) by Jeff Prosise

Programming Windows 95 with MFC: Create Programs for Windows Quickly with the Microsoft Foundation Class Library (Microsoft Programming Series)

Programming Windows 95 with MFC: Create Programs for Windows Quickly with the Microsoft Foundation Class Library (Microsoft Programming Series) by Jeff Prosise PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Microsoft Foundational Class (MFC) is becoming a hot new standard for programmers. This book authoritatively lays the foundation for developers using MFC. Just as Programming Windows has become a classic for all Windows programmers using C and SDK, this book will become a must-have for Windows programmers using C++ with MFC libraries.

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