PDF⋙ Classroom Assessment: Principles and Practice for Effective Standards-Based Instruction (5th Edition) by James H. McMillan
Classroom Assessment: Principles and Practice for Effective Standards-Based Instruction (5th Edition) by James H. McMillan
Classroom Assessment: Principles and Practice for Effective Standards-Based Instruction (5th Edition) by James H. McMillan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This text provides prospective and current teachers with a concise, non-technical, and practical guide to conducting a full range of high-quality classroom assessments. The text emphasizes assessment in the context of the realities of teaching and teacher decision-making in an era of standards-based education. Assessment methods are integrated with instruction and presented according to when teachers evaluate students (before, during, and after an instructional unit), the learning targets that are measured, and standards emphasized in state-wide testing. There is considerable emphasis on the nature of learning targets and how different assessments are most appropriate for different targets. For each assessment technique, suggestions for effective practice are presented with examples, case studies, and teacher interviews. This edition includes additional emphasis on formative assessment for student learning.
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