PDF⋙ An Introduction to Biostatistics by Thomas Glover, Kevin Mitchell
An Introduction to Biostatistics by Thomas Glover, Kevin Mitchell
An Introduction to Biostatistics by Thomas Glover, Kevin Mitchell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
For over a decade, Glover and Mitchell have provided life-sciences students with an accessible, complete introduction to the use of statistics in their disciplines. The authors emphasize the relationships between probability, probability distributions, and hypothesis testing using both parametric and nonparametric analyses. Copious examples throughout the text apply concepts and theories to real questions faced by researchers in biology, environmental science, biochemistry, and health sciences. Dozens of examples and problems are new to the Third Edition, as are “Concept Checks”—short questions that allow readers to immediately gauge their mastery of the topics presented. Regardless of mathematical background, all readers will appreciate the value of statistics as a fundamental quantitative skill for the life sciences.From reader reviews:
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